A year ends and I am still painting my Saga Arabs

Gripping Beast plastic Arabs have less variety than their other plastics, Saxon or Viking. By dressing them all in tunics, and not allowing for pantaloons and other garb, they look boring.  Nevertheless, as is always the case for this manufcturer the workmanship of the miniatures is good and prices, being plastic, great.

I’ll post some pictures when I am done.

Playing Age of Honor with flat minis

Image I use flat minis, or top-down view printouts of historical miniatures to enable me to play test new rules or eras.  I have always been a pre gun powder historical wargamer.

Recently I have been interested in playing with guns.  After reviewing several sets of rules I have chosen two rule sets for my tryouts: Age of Honor, the Fire and Fury supplement for Age of Eagles, and Black Powder.In the following posts I will explain how I build my flat minis with paper and vinyl flooring.